Journey to the UNIVERSITY #1

So, here it is, in 2013 I just graduated from my  senior high school, SMA YPK BONTANG, an exclusive school i think, I'll tell you later why so keep reading this. 

So, my school told me if you want to continue your study to college, first you have to know what path or way to lead into it. There are three path, Achievement / Score Path (SNMPTN), National Test (SBMPTN), and College Test ( Mandiri). 

First, the achievement path. It's just a simple one if I can say, you get good marks on school, get some achievement on academic or non academic, put them on internet to report your profile, and the college will sort who will enter their college, choose some of them. Sounds easy? Well, your wrong. In this path every student have right to join this one, and you will compete each other to get position in college. So, me, myself choose Sepuluh November Technology Institute ( ITS ) as my target, in Industrial Technique. There are 4 candidates on my school when I see on the list, I'm the first, well not bad for me, at least I'm save. So, I began gathering my marks report, achievements and I upload them on internet and wait it. my mother told me I'll be accepted in that college, but I didn't pass it. So, I have to try another way. Continue on the next post

First Post !

Hello, so this is my first post in this blog. So, i'm gonna explain something about this blog. "The Journal of '96", yes that's the title of this blog. You can guess now what might I write from now and so on, yes my journal. Well, I never write a journal or diary before. I think it's useless and waste of time, but yea, I changed my mind and I'm going to share my life, my way. So, feel free to read and you may comment on my posts. 

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